subplot|subplots in English


['sub·plot || 'sʌbplɑt /-plɒt]

subordinate plot (in a book, play, etc.)

Use "subplot|subplots" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "subplot|subplots" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "subplot|subplots", or refer to the context using the word "subplot|subplots" in the English Dictionary.

1. There could be an even more interesting subplot as well.

2. The story of the Park Central sale also has an intriguing subplot.

3. The first scene of the subplot also opposes and discriminates its protagonists.

4. The story of water and Los Angeles divides itself into countless subplots.

5. In between the storms, a mix of subplots puddle up the movie.

6. Their story is counterpointed by a subplot involving housewife Edda Barends, who is kidnapped.

7. He has a second reason, spelled out in one of several stagy subplots.

8. So that Ron subplot was secondary to the central drive of the story.

9. A subplot plays in the background, where two men meet, light a cigarette and separate.

10. A subplot featuring a female FBI agent is Clumsily grafted onto the main story

11. The film does have one serendipitous subplot: the peddling of offshore oil-drilling leases.

12. Containment brings plenty of medical drama, but there’s also subplots of relationships, cover-ups and conspiracies

13. What evolved was Passport to Pimlico via Romeo and Juliet with a subplot of bigotry.

14. Inglourious Basterds followed different subplots with one common goal: kill as many Nazis as possible, including Hitler.

15. A subplot in Gerald Durrell's first book, The Overloaded Ark, centres on his attempts to secure an Angwantibo for zoological study

16. When subplots or scenes of local color are introduced, they relate to the main plot in a fundamental way.

17. Army the superiority of high altitude precision bombing, and establishes a school for Bombardiers. Training is followed in semi-documentary style, with personal dramas in subplots

18. Such a letter is termed a "Bellerophontic" letter; one such figures in a subplot of Shakespeare's Hamlet, bringing offstage death to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern

19. Not as predictable as Brolin's acting, but predictable nonetheless, which may be why the filmmakers insert a romantic subplot involving not one, but two spirited, adventuresome women."

20. Cufflinks.datagen.lines(4).iplot(subplots=True,shape=(4,1),shared_xaxes=True,vertical_spacing=.02,fill=True) Support for scatter matrix to display the distribution amongst every series in the DataFrame

21. Constrained_layout automatically adjusts subplots and decorations like legends and colorbars so that they fit in the figure window while still preserving, as best they can, the logical layout requested by …

22. The Chosen, Season 2 (Spring 2021) Following the Subplots of The Chosen (Season 1, Mid-Season Update) My Brother's Keeper (March 2021) The Baxters, Season 1 (status unknown) Clancy Once Again (Movie Review) My Brother's Keeper [2021] (Movie Review) Kindness Matters (Movie Review) New & Upcoming Christian Entertainment

23. Braggartly knowing but for utilizing in the Re-birth of African Aziboist Concepts and Psycho-Cultural-Political Orientations for the African-Centered: Part of a Non-Eurocentric World Psychology (Part 1) The subplot was similarly played for laughs, with the Braggartly Parolles mocked by the outrageous accents of his tormentors.

24. A quick browse on the Internet will quickly tell you that “The Algebraist” is a well regarded science fiction novel, indeed the reviews are sparkling with comments like “Far from formulaic”, “absorbing cast of characters and multitudinous subplots”, “space opera at its baroque best”, “bold, daring and epic”, “another magnificent work from Iain M Banks”, and I

25. Affirmed also delivers fascinating subplots including that of jockey Louis Pincay Jr., who took over for Cauthen in the winter of 1979 and rode Affirmed to victory in the horse's final seven races; and owner Louis Wolfson, the Wall Street financier who found redemption in Harbor View Farm with Affirmed after Wolfson served one year in a federal